There’s always excitement when someone’s favorite artist is in town. However, many individuals turn away from attending the concert because they may not have someone to go with. This problem affects music enthusiast who does not have someone to bond with, with the same music taste and miss out on seeing their favorite artist!

Muze, is a mobile app that will inform you of any upcoming concerts of your favorite artist and you can connect with those who will be attending the same concert! Uniting music lovers and connecting with those with the same music taste.
Design Thinking Process
Secondary Research
    During my investigation of my problem space, I found out that even before the COVID-19 pandemic that some individuals dealt with losing interest in plans of travel, social events such as concerts, local shows, art exhibits, and more, due to not having friends of the same interests. This affected people who were social or considered to be very shy in meeting new people.

Design Challenge
   Once I looked more into my problem space and researched qualitative data I set out to ask:

“How might we allow music enthusiasts connect with like-minded individuals who plan on attending local concerts in their area so that they feel more eager to participate in those type of events?"
Primary Research
   After gathering my data and the design challenge in mind, I made sure to get insight from music enthusiasts to get an in-depth understanding of the challenges they have dealt with.

I conducted this research with 3 different individuals from different age groups, and I noticed after multiple themes occurred during their interview. I grouped the interview themes by pain points (yellow), motivators (pink), and behaviors (purple).
Interview Insights
During the interview process, it was a priority to focus on the feedback from my interviews of any repeating patterns or themes.
Experience Mapping
   Once I created my persona Alice, I created an experience map to visually see Alice’s current process from finding out about new to finally seeing a veterinary. This stage of finding opportunities for design interventions was one of the most enlightening parts of the project to me.
   There was plenty of opportunities to identify in thinking about what digital solutions can benefit Alice in the long run.

After creating and exploring a wide range of user stories categorized in epics, I created a task flow that showed an efficient way for Alice to be able to see which individuals are going or interested in going to the concert and for her to connect with them.
Paper Sketches

With the selected task flow I developed for my persona Alice, I then drew two sketches of ideas into paper sketches of my main task flow.
Version 1 
Version 2
Design & Prototype
Two is better than one!

After sketching and deciding to go with Version 1. Originally, I incorporated it to wireframes, however, after my user testing I realized it would be best to go with Version 2.

For my user testing, I conducted 2 rounds of usability testing with 5 different individuals.
Version 1
Version 2 
Visual Design
   The name for this concept MUZEcame from the meaning of Muse.
A muse is a person who serves as an artist's inspiration. It can range from music, film, art, and more.

I figured this concept can inspire others to meet other like-minded individuals, who share the same love of music. I originally had the idea of different names before deciding on Muze, but as I shared the concept name to others they were leaning more towards Muze. Along with the concept to “Muze” others. Meet your Muze!

Possible Concept Names: 

- Amuzing
- Munited
- Unmute

I wanted the tagline for Muze to empathizes on 
“Enjoy, Connect, Unite” with other music lovers.
Mood Board 
   Once deciding on Muze’s brand name and its adjectives that represented the brand were energetic, entertaining, bold, funky, and fun. I collected visual representations for Muze in a mood board. Colors to be bold and bright with a lot of use of white text and light purples for the font but gradient backgrounds in purple! I wanted it to be bold and a complimentary color to green!
Wordmark Process
   There were different processes to finding the ideal logo for Muze. It was not done overnight and was a trial and error process. Originally I went with four other fonts being rounded and even tried doing a handwritten font. However, I wanted to incorporate a simple design that represented music.
Final Wordmark
Hi-Fi Mockups
   In creating the final prototypes after user testing with the grayscale wireframes, I incorporated shades of purple from my mood board to my designs that followed WCAG Guideline for its background along with its use of color of the font throughout the application. I went over this process of ideation until I felt that my designs represented my vision of Muze itself.
Muze’s Home Screen
Our persona Alice, opens Muze and can first see her events and then any interaction within her events in an event forum. Within this forum, she will be able to interact with other attendees of the event. She also can see any new concerts/shows coming to her town.
Muze’s Attendee Page
Alice can see who will be attending the event or interested in attending the event. She is then able to select the Muze icon, which means she can message them. Instead of incorporating a direct message icon. I wanted Muze’s interaction to be based on more than just messages but different ways to connect by messaging, sharing playlists, and more.
Muze’s Event Forum Page
Alice can interact with other’s who will be attending the same concert as her. She can share with other posts, polls, and connect with these music enthusiasts before the concert or at the concert.
Marketing Website
   Muze’s final product is ready to be launched along with its marketing website. It was important to develop the marketing website to give potential users an overview of the product before wanting to commit to using it.

This process was by using sketching on paper, peer feedback, and then incorporating its brand colors and the word mark to the final marketing website for desktop and mobile.
Muze's Marketing Website - Desktop
Muze's Marketing Website - Mobile
Future Thinking
    With Muze being a concept to be used at concerts and shows. I thought of different concepts to incorporate for the user once they are at the venue and how they can make meeting spots or develop a check-in process for them. I sketched out the idea of a check-in process for users to get notified when someone from their group arrived. The concept will be incorporated by the entry and can be a kiosk where the user’s can check-in by their phone and it will send a notification to that specific party.

“As a music enthusiast I want to know when other Muzers arrived to the concert.”
Multi-Platform Design Mockup Check-in Kiosk
Future Thinking - Tarot Exercise
During my design process with my peers, I was able to discuss the different possible outcomes for Muze.
We used "Tarot Cards of Tech" for our discussion. I selected the “The Siren” card. It was important to be able to share insights on Muze and how it can affect certain individuals to become more united within a community even when dealing with such obstacles as individuals who will like to disconnect or respect their boundaries. This discussion made me want to incorporate a feature within the profile settings that gives you an option to allow you to share your location or not when meeting another music enthusiast. 
What’s Next?
- Incorporate a Car Information System design for users to share car playlists and interactions on their way to a concert.

- Incorporate a location option to the users if they wish to share it with other music lovers in their area.

- Incorporate user testing for those added-on phases to Muze’s design concept. With these add-ons, we can have additional pages for Muze. 

- Include a rewards program for possible points and merchandise for Muze. Muze's point systems where users can receive incentives for using Muze by either purchasing tickets or attending a show. 
Project Takeaways
    In creating and designing Muze, I was able to empathize with individuals who dealt with frustrations and constraints when wanting to find their ideal concert buddy to enjoy the concert. It made me realize that this is a common issue, and music is one of the universal languages. Social media is one way others communicate and keep in touch. However, Muze’s goal is to connect others with the same music taste. After designing Muze there are different ways to expand it and let it be accessible for all music enthusiasts to unite.
See you at the next show!

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